Our Quality policy we achieved through the following goals:
  • to provide our customers with quality products according to defined requirements using a controlled system of processes and procedures,
  • to active all employees to achive the quality goals,
  • to improve the qualifications of employees,
  • to cooperate with qualified suppliers.
The aim of our activities related to the GMP PLUS principles is to create a system of maintaining high quality and safety of our products and customer service support on a sustained and partnership.

Policy of quality and safety of feed additives execute consistently, also through the following strategic objectives:
• Implementation of activities in accordance with legal requirements;
• The implementation, maintenance and improvement of the system GMP PLUS;
• Selection of appropriate suppliers and partner companies in the field of transport infrastructure;
• assurance and control to meet the requirements of HACCP;
• Supervision of activities related to CP and CCP;
• internal and external communication of the risks associated with the safety of products in the distribution chain;
• Raising staff awareness of security feed additives.Implementation of the policy of quality and safety of feed additives and the functioning of the system are systematically monitored through internal audits, verification of the system and the HACCP system and management reviews.
The Board commits all employees to make every effort to implement the policy and developed on the basis of its goals.